arts and crafts

[ˌɑːts ən ˈkrɑːfts]
  • 释义
  • 工艺;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    an arts and crafts emporium


  • 2、

    Our company has had a big business in Chinese arts and crafts.


  • 3、

    The designs used in the indigenous arts and crafts of this tribe are unique.


  • 4、

    There is singing and dancing, arts and crafts, exhibits and demonstrations, and lots of food.

    这是那里的唱歌和舞蹈~, 艺术和手工艺, 展览和表演, 还有很多美食~.

  • 5、

    He is a famous decoration artist in China and an arts and crafts educator.


  • 6、

    Kirgiz also has a unique style of arts and crafts, especially embroidery, weaving the most famous.

    柯尔克孜族还具有独特风格的工艺美术, 其中尤以刺绣 、 编织最为著名.

  • 7、

    Today, Wuqiang New Year as a very unique cultural heritage and arts and crafts there.

    如今, 武强年画是作为一份极有特色的文化遗产和工艺美术品而存在.

  • 8、

    We specialize in the import an export of Arts and Crafts.


  • 9、

    Invests in light spinning, clothing, food industry, home appliance, arts and crafts, etc.

    经营主业BusinessScope:投资于轻纺 、 服装 、 食品工业 、 家用电器 、 工艺美术等.

  • 10、

    We specialize in import and export trade for arts and crafts.


  • 11、

    The villagers no longer carry on the arts and crafts practised by their grandfathers.


  • 12、

    Firty blue fabrics that are most representative of one of the folk arts and crafts.


  • 13、

    The enjoyment of arts and crafts activities can last through infancy and teenage years into adulthood.


  • 14、

    Coal is China's carved a unique arts and crafts, produced in Datong.

    煤雕是我国独一无二的工艺美术品, 产于大同.

  • 15、

    Cloth, paper cutting, embroidery and other famous folk arts and crafts.

    布艺 、 剪纸 、 剌绣等民间手工艺品闻名遐迩.

  • 16、

    FSB pump is made according to special pump arts and crafts.


  • 17、

    As a team of and facilitating moderation of arts and crafts products.


  • 18、

    Arts and crafts activities often use substances and materials that are harmful to children.


  • 19、

    Our lines are mainly arts and crafts.


  • 20、

    Have you arranged any space for the arts and crafts?

    你为这些工艺美术品安排好房间了 吗 ?

  • 21、

    It'seems you are interested in arts and crafts.


  • 22、

    They sponsored arts and crafts in order to encourage craftsmanship in an age of mass production.


  • 23、

    Guangdong Province in 1986 was awarded the honorary title of Arts and Crafts house.


  • 24、

    After 1957, successive Central Institute of Arts and Crafts, vice president and president.


  • 25、

    There is one really good arts and crafts shop in the town.


  • 26、

    In 1986 by Chinese arts and crafts design Award for outstanding creative first prize.


  • 27、

    This technipue of black pottery has been written into the annals of world arts and crafts.


  • 28、

    Traditional arts and crafts in Beijing are well known both at home and abroad.


  • 29、

    The arts and crafts of the people are an important part of their cultures.

